Giving Tuesday. Supporting Everyday.


Giving is what we do here at KenCCID. We give the best of our abilities so that individuals with disabilities have the best shot at living a full life no different than that of any other.

We give housing.

We give basic medical care.

We give job seeking and support. 

To individuals with disabilities in the Greater Philadelphia area. 

Studies have shown that individuals with disabilities are twice as likely to experience homelessness and receive low quality medical care, than individuals without disabilities. 

At KenCCID, ee’re here to disrupt those dismal statistics.  


Tuesday is not the only day that we give. For us here at KenCCID, giving is a 24 hour labor of love. From our maintenance staff responding to home requests, to our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) creating engaging activities with our residents to our office staff who ensure our compliance to local and State mandates of adequate care for individuals with disabilities. 

In a sense, it’s always Giving Tuesday at KenCCID.


We support our staff and employees so that they can earn the proper certifications required by local and State governing bodies. 

Our staff continue to amaze us with the well-deserved recognition that they’ve received over the years for their tireless dedication to servicee.

Molson Kargbo, thank you!

Nurse Hawa Sarnor, thank you!

Stacey Cain, thank you!

All our staff and support teams, THANK YOU!


Everyday is a new day to give at KenCCID. 

On this Giving Tuesday, we extend our thanks to the many donors and benefactors who have supported us over the years. We’re especially grateful to those that made their $50 for our 50th anniversary fundraising campaign.

Thank you!

We humbly ask that if you haven’t already made a donation, that you use Giving Tuesday to give. 

Donate now.

And help us fulfill our mission:

To promote dignity and choice to empower Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities reach their full potential.
