Employee Spotlight: Nurse Hawa Sarnor

Employee Spotlight on Nurse Hawa Sarnor

Employee Spotlight – Nurse Hawa Sarnor

Providing medical care to the general population comes with its own set of challenges. When it comes to individuals with disabilities, access to quality medical care can be even more challenging. At KenCCID, we take pride in being able to provide medical care to some of the most vulnerable members in our society. 

Today, we want to recognize Nurse Hawa Sarnor. In line with our mission, upholding each individual’s dignity is at the core of how we operate, particularly when it comes to medical care. At KenCCID, we take a holistic approach to how we provide care. We provide a broad spectrum of services that impact the whole individual.

From scheduling routine checkups and exams to basic medical attention, our staff work tirelessly to ensure that KenCCID residents get the medical care that they need. 

The impact of the services we provide was particularly evident during the pandemic. Extended shutdowns would have led to prolonged isolation for individuals that need care the most. Despite a growing nursing shortage, Nurse Hawa Sarnor stepped up to the plate to continue providing much needed medical attention to those entrusted to our care. 

Shining the spotlight on one of our heroes


Nurse Hawa Sarnor

Nurse Hawa Sarnor is the Nursing Director at KenCCID. She has served in this capacity for over 15 years. She demonstrates consistency in providing support to KenCCID residents. She regularly schedules doctor appointments for our residents. She also makes nutritional recommendations and provides physical supervision to ensure the health and safety of all residents.

During the two years of the pandemic when some nurses left, Nurse Hawa remained working full time. She was available not only during the weekday but was on-call during the weekend as well providing support to all residents. Due to staffing shortages, Nurse Hawa delayed her own vacation plans so as to make the residents of KenCCID a priority during the uncertainty of the pandemic. 

Nurse Hawa meets the needs of KenCCID residents with a caring heart. Her patience, diligence and tolerance are clearly evident in the way she attends to KenCCID’s residents. 

Fulfilling our Mission

Nurse Hawa’s compassion and dedication is a shining example of fulfilling the mission of KenCCID to promote choice and dignity to empower individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential.
