Donations can be made by clicking the Donate button above.
We accept any major credit card or by checks mailed to our office at 9350 Ashton Road, Suite 202, Philadelphia, PA 19114.
Donations can be made by clicking the Donate button above.
We accept any major credit card or by checks mailed to our office at 9350 Ashton Road, Suite 202, Philadelphia, PA 19114.
Most of us have opportunities to experience various types of events on a regular basis: going to the game, visiting friend, taking an art class.
For people with disabilities these opportunities can be less frequent. KenCCID wants all our individuals to experience an “Everyday Life” and have the chance to interact and make connections with other people in their community.
In all these experiences there are everyday lessons about making choices, being social, building confidence, using money, and making plans. In addition, these interactions in the community can break down barriers and preconceived notions about people with disabilities.
Your generous donations will help create experiences that bring immeasurable joy to one’s life.
Thank you!!
9350 Ashton Road, Suite 202
Philadelphia, PA 19114