The 12 Days of Giving Are Here!

12 ways to donate to KenCCID

How can you support KenCCID?

Let us count the ways.

1. $5 – Visit To The Coffee Shop

Takes an individual with a disability to a local coffee shop to engage with their community.

2. $25 – Cultural Experience

Takes an individual with a disability to one of Philadelphia’s amazing museums to deepen their appreciation of the arts.

3. $50 – Thrill Of The Game

They get to cheer on our very own Phillies!

4. $100 – Gift Of Creativity

Puts an individual through a community art class to expand their curiosity.

5. $150 – Three’s A Crowd

Allows three individuals to attend a Phillies game together to connect with other fans and the community.

6. $300 – More Creativity

Puts three individuals through a community art class, where they get to learn a new skill as well as deepen their engagement with the community.

7. $500 – Bedtime Necessities

Provide themed personalized bedroom and bedding to bring their imagination and dreams to life.

8. $1000 – Call In!

Our maintenance staff at KenCCID get called into work routinely to make repairs and upgrades to the homes of our KenCCID residents. Help us defer the cost of maintenance materials.

9. $2000 – Safe And Secure

Ensure our home security systems remain functional to support of KenCCID residents during an emergency.

10. $5000 – No Place Like Home

Provide housing for more individuals to live a life as independent as possible; a life that’s no different from any other.

11. $10,000 – Heroes Work Here

Provide much-needed PPE and technology for our nurses who provide round-the-clock care to our residents.

12. $20,000 – Make A Difference

We serve over 50 residents in the Greater Philadelphia Area. No donation is too small. No donation is too great. Each donation will touch the life of an individual with a disability.
