AI & Human Dignity

The pandemic and disabilities

When it comes to AI, the dignity of persons with disabilities must always be respected. 

The Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities to the United Nations, Gerard Quinn, lists 8 fundamental rights that must be maintained when it comes to AI and persons with disabilities:

  1. The right to privacy.
  2. The right to education.
  3. The right to employment.
  4. The right to make choices.
  5. The right to live independently.
  6. The right to lead a healthy way of life.
  7. The right to not be discriminated against.
  8. The right to be treated equally and equitably.

At KenCCID, these rights have been at the core of our mission since we were first founded in 1974.

The individuals with disabilities that we serve exercise these rights on a daily basis.

We provide them with a safe and nurturing environment, where they can lead lives that are not different from that of any other.
