Ramping Up

Accessibility ramp

As we celebrate Memorial Day Weekend, a lot of us will be traveling. 

Hauling heavy luggage across the airport, across the parking lot, anywhere is no easy feat.

But a luggage bag with wheels?

Game changer, right!?!?

If it wasn’t for those pesky sidewalks!! 

But you’re in luck.

There are usually numerous accessible curbs readily available for use when traveling. 

These accessible curbs and curb ramps were actually designed to accommodate persons using wheelchairs.

In 1990 with the passage of the American Disabilities Act (ADA), accessibility for persons with disabilities became law. 

Funny thing though is how many other ways accessible curbs actually support persons not in wheelchairs. 

Accessible curbs support … everyone actually. 

As they say, a rising tide raises all ships.

Here at KenCCID we raise the bar everyday with the quality of care that we provide to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

We won’t stop until individuals with disabilities reach their full potential.
