Kensington Community Corporation for Individual Dignity (KenCCID)
was conceptualized by several Philadelphia Families from the Kensington area of the city, some of whom had family members with intellectual and developmental disabilities. At the time of its founding, the era of court ordered de- institutionalization for individuals with disabilities into boarding homes and other unsupported environments was just beginning. Recognizing a need for services, these concerned Kensington residents worked diligently to form a non-profit organization that would provide the quality lifestyle their loved ones deserved.
The charter for the Agency was signed in 1974, with its first Community Living Arrangement (CLA) opening in 1977. At the time of its opening, KenCCID welcomed three individuals from families and three from the infamous Pennhurst State Institution (see video). The agency designed its support under the principles of Normalization and later enhanced their services with Person Centered Planning using Personal Outcome Measures.
Since then, KenCCID has worked diligently to provide people with developmental and intellectual disabilities the skills necessary to achieve the outcomes they want in their lives. The people we support are encouraged to provide for their own self-care, become responsible citizens and live a quality life as independently as possible.
Ruth Frank
Wife, Parent, Founder, Advocate
KenCCID founding members (1974) signing KenCCID’s Incorporation. Seated is Mrs. Ruth Frank; Standing from left to right are Teresa Vanderwoude, Barbara Bortell, Ellie Farsteinberg and Joan Hecht
Mrs. Ruth Frank was one of KenCCID’s cherished Board members. She was a Founder and one of the original signers of KenCCID’s Charter of 1974. She, along with her late husband were Board members since KenCCID’s inception. Her son, Mr. Steven Frank was one of the first occupants of KenCCID’s community homes and received services until his passing in 2011. Mrs. Frank served as KenCCID’s Board President and Vice President. She always displayed professionalism and upheld her stance as the voice of reason in all areas, including Family and individual supports.
This amazing woman served on KenCCID’s Board as well as on the initial boards of COMHAR and of Kensington Management Services (KMS), a staffing agency that is affiliated with COMHAR. She served on the Board of Developmental Disability Committee, and on the board of the Consensus Panel. Her life was a testament to her devout passion for community services and the well-being of others. Mrs. Frank served in many official capacities on the Board until her retirement from the board in 2017.
Within the KenCCID organization, many of the staff and Individuals knew and recognized Mrs. Frank, as they built relationships with her over the years. She was a strong advocate of the Everyday Lives Philosophy, Individual Rights, Family Involvement and Community Involvement. Her determination in improving the lives of others was unfaltering.
Mrs. Frank possessed a strong business acumen strengthened by her years of growing and managing a family store in the Kensington area. Her youthful energy was attributed to her love of dance and exercise.
We mourned the passing of our beloved Mrs. Ruth Frank on December 11th, 2018. Mrs. Frank’s strength, courage, passion and wisdom, was and will always be, a source of inspiration and motivation to all who were fortunate to know and love her.